Mailing Address for all OSWI correspondence

    Contact Number

    Applicants applying for Membership must obtain endorsement from two (2) active Ordinary Members. Email from 2 active ordinary members or signed letter will be accepted.

    Below are notes to Active members wishing to endorse new member application
    By signing the endorsement for this applicant for Membership in OSWI, I certify that I am an active Ordinary Member of the Society and that I have personal knowledge of the Applicant and am familiar with the Applicant’s professional competence and conduct.

    By signing and submitting this application, I agree that I have read and fully understood it and that all information submitted on or in support of this application is true, accurate, and complete. I understand and agree that all such information is subject to review and verification by or under the supervision of the Executive of OSWI.

    Contact Us

    We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.
