Representing Caribbean Ophthalmology

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OSWI would like to congratulate the team on a job well done representing Caribbean Ophthalmology at the RCOphth Congress in Belfast last week. Last week, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress 2024 was held in Belfast, Ireland. This year, it was an immersive and memorable experience for our colleagues from the Caribbean: Dr. Ronnie Bhola (Trinidad and Tobago), Dr. Dharmendra Shah (St. Lucia), Dr. Hazel Shillingford-Ricketts (Dominica), and Ms. Franka Mohammed (Trinidad and Tobago).
The team presented their work on Cataract Surgery Partnerships across the Caribbean Region and shared how they were able to reduce waiting times for cataract surgery in Dominica, St. Lucia, and Antigua & Barbuda.
Congratulations 👏