“Microbiology”by Dr. Terrence Allan
Topic: “Microbiology”by Dr. Terrence Allan. Time: Oct 19, 2021 06:00 PM Guyana. Join Zoom Meeting. https://buff.ly/3jbE4RU
Meeting ID: 862 5075 1127. Passcode: Ophthalmic.
#OSWI #CAOTP #Ophthalmic #Training #OA #OSA #COA #COT #Ophthalmology #Ophthalmologist #doctorlife #vision #sight
#Medlife #oswinet #caribbean #westindies #international #speaker #lecture #zoom #zoomchronicles
Another Tuesday, another session!
OSWI is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: “Intro to Eyelid Anatomy and Common Conditions” by Dr. Nathan Blessing
Time: Aug 17, 2021 06:00 PM Guyana
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 1380 8531
Passcode: Ophthalmic
#OSWI #training #ophthalmic #CAOTP #caribean #eyehealth #westindies #nurse #technician #assistant
#ophthalmology #ophthalmologist #eyecare
Take the Pledge To Love Your Eyes – Happy World Sight Day
This WORLD SIGHT DAY, let us all take the pledge to #LoveYourEyes
#LoveYourEyes is all about being aware of your own eye health and if you are able to, get a sight test or recommend others do the same.
#EveryoneCounts #LoveYourEyes #OSWI #IABP #WorldSightDay2021 #WSD2021 #Ophthalmology #EyeSight #Vision #EyeHealth #GetTested #EyeCare #Caribbean #WestIndies #Campaign #oswinet
“Refraction” by Dr. Deo Singh
OSWI is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: “Refraction” by Dr. Deo Singh
Time: Oct 14, 2021 06:00 PM Guyana
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 4806 0255
Passcode: Ophthalmic
#OSWI #CAOTP #Ophthalmic #Training #OA #OSA #COA #COT #Ophthalmology #Ophthalmologist
#doctorlife #vision #sight #Medlife #oswinet #caribbean #westindies #international #speaker
#lecture #zoom #zoomchronicles
Title World Sight Day Pledge – Love Your Eyes
On World Sight Day 14th October, it’s time to LOVE YOUR EYES.
Do give people simple and concrete tips to taking care of their eyes.
Don’t use technical, medical terms they don’t understand (such as
refractive error, myopia, macular degeneration).
#LoveYourEyes #IABP #WorldSightDay2021 #WSD2021 #Sight #EyeHealth #SaveSight
#Vision #Ophthalmology #Ophthalmologist #Caribbean #WestIndies #oswinet
Topic: Visual Fields & OCT: What are they and how do we do them? by Dr. Catherine Birt MA, MD, FRCSC
Time: Aug 12, 2021 06:00 PM Guyana
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 4674 0269
Passcode: Ophthalmic
#OSWI #CAOTP #training #ophthalmic #ophthalmology #ophthalmoogist #nurse #Ophthalmicassistant
#Surgicalassistant #medicine #eyehealth #eyes #eyedoctor #lecture #notes
#oswinet #caribbean #westindies