Click the date to see details.

8.00 am to 10.00 am – Grand Grand Rounds

Cornea – Professor Harminder Singh Dua, Dr. Josh Ramkissoon, Dr Nigel Barker, Dr Jeanine Ramsahai
Cataract – Dr. David Lockington, Dr. Shivanand Ramdeen
Oculoplastics – Professor Bernard Chang, Dr Adesh Mahabir, Dr Nathan Blessing, Dr Kellita Dalrymple
Retina – Dr Nilesh Persad, Professor Lizette Mowatt, Dr Vandana Persad – “An Interesting Case of Central Serous Retinopathy” Neuro-Ophthalmology – Dr Krystal Bharath

10.00 am to 10.30 am – Coffee Break
10.30 am to 11.30 am – Session 1 – Occulo-plastics                                                                                                                          Chairperson: Dr. Adesh Mahabir
Theme: TBC
Presenters; Professor Bernard Chang, Dr. Adesh Mahabir, Dr Nathan Blessing

11.30 am to 12.00pm – Session 2: Pediatric Ophthalmology
Chairperson: Dr. Krystal Bharath
Theme: Retinopathy of Prematurity
ROP: Anti-VEGF Vs Lasers – Professor Lizette Mowatt
Updates in ROP: Dr. Janine Smith Marshall
Questions & Answers: 5mins

12.00 pm to 1.30 pm – Lunch
1.30 pm to 2.30 pm – Session 3: Glaucoma to be run by ACGS

Panel: Dr Arindel Maharaj, Dr Desiree Murray.
Chairperson: Dr. Desirée Murray
Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma – Debunking the Myths
1:30 pm-1:50 pm: Myth 1 Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma is uncommon in the Caribbean
A Case of PACG Misdiagnosed as POAG – Dr Kaiawa Clarke
Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of Primary Angle Closure – Dr. Kaiawa Clarke
1:50 pm-1:55 pm: Myth 2 Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma is always unilateral
A Case of Bilateral Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma – Dr. Desirée Murray
1:55 pm-2:00 pm: Myth 3 Simple microphthalmos is hard to miss
A Case of Microphthalmos and Bilateral Angle Closure Glaucoma – Dr. Desirée Murray
2:00 pm-2:15 pm: Myth 4 Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) is a simple risk-free procedure
Case presentations:
                    i. From bad to worse
                    ii. Razzle Dazzle
Indications, contraindications and technique for LPI – Dr Vachel Luces                                                                              2.15 – 2.25 PM – Dr Camara Brown – “The Jamaica Eye Study                                                                                                      2:25 pm -2:30 pm: Questions and Answers/Panel Discussion
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm – Annual General Meeting (AGM)
5.30 p.m.  Cocktail Reception



8.30 am to 10.30 am – Opening Ceremony
Chairperson: Dr. Deo Singh
Welcome Remarks: Dr Rajrishi Sharma OSWI President                                                                                                                                    Greetings: Dr Adesh Mahabir OSTT President                                                                                                                                                          
Greetings: Dr Roshan Parasram Chief Medical Officer Ministry of Health                                                                                                          Greetings: Her Excellency, British High Commissioner to Trinidad & Tobago, Harriet Cross,
Greetings: His Excellency Canadian High Commissioner in Trinidad and Tobago, Arif Keshani  
Greetings: IJACHAPO Dr Karl Golnik
Introduction of GTML Speaker: Dr. Arindel Maharaj 
Garth Taylor Memorial Lecture -“30 Years of Glaucoma Management: Why I am Still Excited to Go to Work Every Day!” by Professor  Leon Herndon 
Questions & Answers
Vote of Thanks: Dr Nilesh Persad OSWI Secretary

10.30 am to 11.00 am – Coffee Break
11.00 am to noon – Session 4: Ocular Oncology
Theme: Common Ocular Tumors?
Presenters: Professor. Sander Dubovy, Dr Basil Williams, Dr Di Nicola.

12.00 pm to 1.30 pm – Session 5: Residents Papers
Chairperson: Dr. Terrence Allan

“Approach to Paediatric Neurotrophic Keratopathy: Diagnosis & Management” – Dr. Vandana Persad
“ A Comparison of Corneal (Transport)- Transplant Rates at Port of Spain General Hospital in the Pre versus Post COVID-19 Era.” – Dr Tarini Mahase
“Clinical Audit: Accuracy of IOP Measurements, GAT Vs Tonopen”- Dr. Rajiv Seemongal Dass
“Barbados Diabetic Eye Screening Programme, 1-year review”- Dr Jordan Forde
“How Traumatising” – Dr. Jewel Baird
“Loa Loa, African Worm in the Eye” Dr. Greer Iton 
“Trinidad Eye Hospital School Screening Project” – Dr. Bibitayo Fagbola
“Clinical outcomes of combined Phaco + Goniotomy for POAG” –  Dr Leshaya Maraj
“Immediate sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery” – Dr. Jeanine Ramsahai
“Case series on the clinical characteristics and outcome of juvenile-onset open angle Glaucoma (JOAG) in Tobago Clinic.                Dr Jaime Bristol-Smith

1.30 pm to 2.30 pm – Lunch
1.30 pm to 2.30 pm – Poster Judging

Judges: Professor. Leon Herndon, Professor Harminder Dua, Professor Bernard Chang, Professor Sander Dubovy.                               Ms. Amanda Tran – “Increasing Patient Accessibility to a Tertiary Eye Care Center”
Dr Renuka Ramoutar – “Acute Corneal Perforation Secondary to Hydrops in Long-standing Keratoconus, 13 years Post CXL: A case report”
Dr Zahrid Mohammed- “Evaluating The Efficacy Of Color Fundus Photography-Based Referral Criteria In Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program In Detecting Glaucoma.”
Dr Rajiv Seemongal-Dass – “Optic Nerve Characteristics in a Myopic Population in Trinidad and Tobago.”
Dr Maynard McIntosh –“Approach to the Management of Keratoconus.”
Dr Damien Persad – “Gradenigo Syndrome in a Teenager, A Case Report”
Dr Debra Bartholomew – “Redeye Or Not”
Dr Bibitaoy Fagbola “Choroidal Melanoma in Afro-Caribbean Patients”                                                                                        Dr Alejandro Guerra Garcia – “Implementing Vabysmo for Complicated Cases of Diabetic Macular Edema and Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration.”

2.30 pm to 3.30 pm – Session 6: Neuro-ophthalmology
Chairperson: Dr. Krystal Bharath                                                                                                                                                                          Theme: Neuro-Ophthalmology Symposium                                                                                                                                                        Presenter: Dr. Karl Golnik Title: Deadly Ptosis
Objective: The participant should be able to list and describe 4 potentially deadly neuro-
ophthalmic conditions that may present with ptosis.
Synopsis: This symposium will be case-based and cover Horner syndrome, 3rd nerve palsy, Myasthenia Gravis and CPEO. Relevant clinical findings will be illustrated with videos.
3.30 pm to 5.30 pm – Session 7: Cataract Video Symposium
Chairperson: Dr. Shivanand Ramdeen
Theme: Complicated/Unusual Cataract Cases
Panel: Professor Leon Herndon, Professor. Harminder Singh Dua, Professor. Bernard Chang, Dr Arindel Maharaj,                            Dr David Lockington
6.00 pm to 9.00 pm – OSWI Night with the Sponsors                                                                                                                 

  • Welcome Remarks                   – Dr. Rajrishi Sharma
  • Introduction of Sponsors        – 2 mins each
  • Vote of Thanks



9.00 am to 9.45 am – Session 8 – Free Papers
Chairperson: Dr Camara Brown
Leveraging Extended Reality for Slitlamp Tutorials Ms Amanda Tran
Treating the Patient or Treating the Disease Dr. Claude Cowan
The Use of Artificial Intelligence In Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy in T&T – A Cost-Utility Analysis  Dr. Ryan Ramoutar
Refractive Surprise after NHS cataract surgery  Professor Bernie Chang

9.45 – 11.15am – Session 9 – Cornea
Chairperson: Dr. Deo Singh
Theme: Endothelial Dystrophies and Cataract Surgery, Pre, Intra and Post-op Management
Panel: Professor Harminder Singh Dua, Dr Nigel Barker, Dr David Lockington
Paper: The TST Protocol as a Guide for Fungal Keratitis Treatment in the Caribbean – Dr Josh Ramkissoon

11.15 am to 11.45 am – Coffee Break                                                                                                                                                              11.45 am to 1.15 pm 

Session 10 Retina  Chairperson: Dr. Rajrishi Sharma
Pearls for Managing Intraocular Foreign Bodies – Professor Lizette Mowatt 
Macula Holes – New Surgical Techniques – Dr. Sherwin Benskin 
Outcomes in Phaco-vitrectomy for Epiretinal membranes based on Ectopic Inner Foveal Layer Classification – Dr. Ryan Ramoutar

Surgical Retina Clinic  Cases and Panel Discussion 
Panel: , Dr Alejandro Guerra Garcia, Dr Rodney Guiseppi, Dr. Jas Singh, Dr Ronnie Bhola                                                                            Medical Retina Mini Symposium – Retinal Vascular Occlusion 
Panel: Dr Basil Williams, Dr Maura Di Nicola, Dr Nilesh Persad

1.15 pm to 2.45 pm – Lunch                                                                                                                                                                            1.15 pm to 2.45 pm – Train the Trainers Session Dr Karl Golnik     


1.30 pm to 2.30 pm – Session 11 – Young Ophthalmologists’ Symposium
Panel: Dr Ciara Ramnarine, Dr. Ryan Ramoutar, Dr Anala Maharaj
Session I: 1.30 pm to 1.55 pm
Theme: Training Pathways in Ophthalmology
Chairperson: Dr. Ciara Ramnarine
Panel: Dr. Ahmed Raza, Dr. Trishana Ramlal, Dr. Ryan Ramoutar
Panel Introduction: Dr. Ciara Ramnarine
“Applying for Ophthalmology Run-Thru Training: A UK Perspective”– Dr. Ahmed Raza
“Pathways for Ophthalmic Specialist Registration in Trinidad and Tobago”– Dr. Trishana Ramlal
“Subspecialty Fellowship Training”: Dr. Ryan Ramoutar 
Questions and Answers (3 min)

Session II: 1.55 pm to 2.15 pm
Theme: Advocacy and Mentorship
Chairperson: Dr. Ryan Ramoutar
Panel: Dr. Christiana Roopnarine-Boodoo, Dr. Anala Maharaj, Dr. Vishwamitra Ramdath
Panel Introduction: Dr. Ryan Ramoutar 
“Women in Ophthalmology (WIO): Shattering the Glass Ceiling or Shattered Glass?” –                                                    Dr. Christiana Roopnarine-Boodoo 
“Advocacy: Demarcating Boundaries for the Roles of Allied Professions in Eye Care”– Dr. Anala Maharaj 
“Mentorship: The Clinical and non-Clinical Role of an Effective Mentor in Ophthalmology”-                                         Dr. Vishwamitra Ramdath
Questions and Answers (3 min)                                                                                       1

2.45 pm to 4.45 pm – Session 12: OSWI International Symposium
Chairperson: Dr. Donovan Calder
Theme: Different Perspectives in Ophthalmology
“Resistant Diabetic Macular Oedema” – Dr Nilesh Persad, Dr Maura Di Nicola, Dr Ryan Ramoutar
“Subluxed Lenses”: Dr Jas Singh, Dr Rajrishi Sharma, Dr Basil Williams
“Resistant Corneal Ulcers”: Professor. Harminder Singh Dua, Dr. Deo Singh
“Recalcitrant Glaucoma”: Professor. Leon Herndon, Dr Arindel Maharaj, Dr Kiaiwa Clarke

President’s Dinner

9.00 AM – 12 NOON
Wet Lab Sessions:
Cataract Surgery (Basic & Advanced) – Dr David Lockington, Dr Jas Singh
MIGS – Professor Leon Herndon, Dr Arindel Maharaj, & Dr Kaiawa Clarke
Oculoplastics – Dr Nathan Blessing & Dr Adesh Mahabir                                                                                                                                  Register here

 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm Trini Lime & Curry Duck Competition


Nothing is schedule on this day

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